There’s a definite change in the weather, nights are drawing in and putting another jumper on is the alternative to firing up the central heating. The words of Edith Sitwell resonate ‘Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside a fire: it is the time for home’. Indeed, if we are lucky, we might be in front of a real fire, or just some dancing gas flames and the flickering of some candles. Those old enough to remember the days before central heating will recall getting into a cold and maybe damp bed with a hot water bottle, even some ice on the inside of a bedroom window on a frosty morning. We may now have the luxury of central heating, but for many in our communities there will be some tough decisions to be made – ‘eat or heat’ being one of them.
Many of the women and families we support particularly struggle in the Autumn and Winter months, making sure they and those they care for are appropriately fed, and in warm, waterproof clothing, worrying about a meter running out of credit and not being able to boil a kettle or have hot water to wash. There are also those who have nowhere to live, and we are seeing an increasing number of women coming to us requesting tents or sleeping bags. It goes beyond keeping someone warm when the focus is on keeping them alive. We rely on and are immensely grateful for the kindness of those who continually support us, whether through donations of food and toiletries, warm clothing or cash donations. We really do appreciate everything that you do for us, and it makes a real difference to those we work with, so as we acknowledge the changing of the seasons, we also reflect and are thankful for the love and support we get from our supporters.
Sue, Head of Services Unity