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A Way Out’s RISE Families service provides support to families of clients engaging in A Way Out’s
Youth, Liberty and Blossom services.

A Way Out’s Families Service complements all areas of A Way Out’s project area providing bespoke person centred support to each benefiting family by delivering a whole family approach and co - ordinating the work and action of partner agencies addressing need and sharing information.


cherish the simple things

"My family are stronger than ever"



Youth Service

Families who have children engaged in A Way Out’s Youth Service receive support to strengthen the family unit leading to better outcomes for young people.  This support enables parents to promote better family communication and coherence and facilitates and empowers families to play and learn together. Parents are encouraged to develop positive relationships with schools and agencies to lead to better engagement and raised attainment and aspiration for their children.


Families of women and girls supported by A Way Out’s Blossom and Liberty Projects are offered support in understanding the causes and consequences of exploitation, addiction and survival sex-work. The support provided also enables the families to provide encouragement and support to their female family members involved in service instilling a sense of identity and purpose whilst inspiring hope that change is possible.


Partnership Work

A Way Out’s RISE Family Service upholds positive relationships with professional services such as Social Care and Early Help. Working as part of a multi agency approach to personify the best interests of clients and build trust in other service provides.


Holistic support on an individual basis is attained by working in partnership with other agencies such as mental health and well being services, education providers, substance misuse organisations and local community projects. Empowering clients to have choice and achieve outcomes in line with personal goals.


How we can help!

Using trusted assessment tools A Way Out’s RISE Families service engages in supporting families on a 1:1 bespoke basis co-producing an action/ development plan with each family and offers a range of support and advocacy to encourage engagement with partner services such as Social Care, Early Help, access to benefits and accommodation services.

Group sessions provide nurturing programmes for parents each year and a range of year-round, home-based, family support activities, including parenting advice, budgeting, nutrition and referrals to specialist health, housing, education and legal/benefits advice agencies.

With families of clients engaging with A Way Out’s Liberty and Blossom Project the service provides 1-to-1 and group support to help families understand the causes and consequences of addiction and sex work, learn to identify and manage risks, incorporating tools, resources and knowledge that can support family members should harm to clients occur. Strengthen resilience, and develop communication strategies, to support and nurture relationships, problem solve, boundary setting and self care.

The service also supports families to address the trauma they have experienced that has led to or been caused by the behaviour of the clients (such as domestic violence and abuse or other types of offending) and to overcome isolation (caused by the stigma of addiction and sex working) through building or rebuilding peer and wider community relationships (including connecting them to local community organisations).

How we can help!

The work with the whole family involves a range of advice, support and guidance to manage poor mental health and provide improve well-being.

Improved mental health, emotional and physical wellbeing

Improved social networks

Improved family routine

Improved relational boundaries and personal behaviour

Positive and flourishing family relationships

Reconciliation of broken family connections

Increased resilience

Increased knowledge and understanding of the impact of substance and drug misuse

Increase tools, resources and knowledge to empower families to safeguard if needed.

Increased knowledge and understanding of the impact of trauma

Increased knowledge and understanding of exploitation and grooming

To provide choices and break down barriers for families supporting the recognition of other
service involvement to strengthen outcomes.


 "I just wanted to say I think you are doing a fantastic job and I am grateful for everything you do"

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