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Suicide Awareness Day


During the pandemic mental health has suffered for so many women, girls, families and young people accessing support from A Way Out. As September 10th marks World Suicide Prevention Day we wanted to share our experiences and the support we offer.

On a daily basis, the staff at A Way Out are working with those battling with thoughts and plans of suicide. Often, clients are dealing with triggers from past trauma, which can be around sexual exploitation, domestic violence, family breakdowns. Unresolved trauma can lead to feelings of hopelessness and desperation. We are here working endlessly to ensure that each and every person knows they are not alone and we are here to help support them.

The Blossom Project works with women and girls aged between 13 to 25 and focuses on positive wellbeing, empowering and enabling clients to reach their potential. Blossom is a specialist trauma informed support service that offers a female only safe space and adopts a needs led approach. Our staff go above and beyond to ensure tailored support is readily available through a face to face check in, telephone support, harm minimisation, safety planning, or giving people the time they need to feel heard, understood and valued.

All staff at A Way Out have recently completed the PAPYRUS UK – Suicide Prevention Training to help enable clients to share, have their needs met, identify suicidal thoughts and provide hope. Suicide is the biggest cause of death in under 35’s for both genders. This is a statistic A Way Out actively wants to change as we work to engage, empower, and equip the people we work with. We believe everyone has the right to live lives free from harm, abuse and exploitation and reduce life limiting choices and behaviours, and this includes self-harm.

If you would like more information or to refer to our projects, please contact


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