A Way Out are a charity that make a difference to the lives of those we work alongside. Many of our clients are women, young people and families, who have experiences abuse, harm and exploitation at some point within their lives.
As February quickly approaches, so does the national campaign for Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week, which take place from the 6th-12th of February. As an organisation we stand in support of this campaign. Together, with our staff, clients, and volunteers, we will be collaborating on how we can share the message and ensure all know that #ItsNotOk to experience these behaviours.
Sexual abuse and violence can often hold a stigma, and so many can feel trapped in these cycles of abuse, not knowing where to turn. We want to end this stigma and be able to create a safe space for our clients to feel supported and to freely and safely share their experiences, getting the help needed in order to move forward with their lives.
A Way Out have recently recruited for a very specific role which is for our Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Advocate and have a new member joining the team to work alongside those who have been a victim of gendered specific violence. The VAWG worker will collaborate across our services, alongside partnering organisations to ensure our clients’ needs are at the focus of all we do as a service. We want to bridge a gap which can stop those coming forward for the support that they need and ensure that our clients, and those we haven’t yet worked with, have the ability to live lives free from harm.
If you would like to find out more about the support services of A Way Out please contact info@awayout.co.uk.