In an emergency contact: 999
For advice from the police in non-emergency: 101
In case of medical advice is needed call: 111
A Way out: 01642 655071 open 9-5 Monday-Friday
Crisis Team: Mental Health: 01642 524714 (Stockton)
Crisis Team Mental Health: 01642 680706 (Middlesbrough)
Housing daytime hours: 01642 528389 (Stockton)
Housing daytime hours: 01642 245432 (Middlesbrough)
Out of hours housing: 5:30pm onwards 01642 524552 (Stockton)
Out of hours housing: 0300 111 1000 (Middlesbrough)
Samaritans 24-hour helpline- mental health: 116123
The Emergency Duty Team: 01642 524552 (Stockton and Middlesbrough social care)
Harbour- out of hours domestic abuse helpline: 03000 202 525
Housing benefit and local housing: 01642 392829
Housing benefit and local housing: 01642 726006
CAMHS: Children and adolescent mental health services:
Stockton: 01642 368400
Middlesbrough: 01642 529720