supports adult women in the criminal justice system as they transition from the prison gates to the community, (recognising that pathways into offending for women are often different to that of men because of the abuse, harm and exploitation they experience and the wider power dynamics within society), to move past previous offending and build a stronger future for themselves and their families. Phoenix Women is delivered as part of the Ministry of Justice women’s services contract in the Teesside and is led by Changing Lives.
Evidence shows that for many boys anger is the only acceptable emotion which is often used to cover a more powerful emotion such as sadness or shame. Being encouraged to suppress all other emotions can interrupt the emotional development of boys which can have a huge negative impact on their mental health. In general men report less depression than women but complete suicide at a much higher rate. There is a huge need for boys to be taught how to safely express all their emotions not only their anger.
Through working in partnership with Dr Helen Williams of Sunderland University, a report has been pulled together to highlight the need for this work. This provides the evidence needed to strengthen our plans for a boy’s pilot to address this need.
Please click the link to read the report:
CC was referred in for help with both accommodation, finance, debt and benefit, one of the outcomes of the latter was to secure a source of income as CC has 3 children and was keen to set a good example to them and show them that their mum can go to work and earn a living.
We are still working on accommodation with CC, but CC also disclosed that it is her dream to be able to carry out body piercing as a career.
The team worked with CC and sourced a company in Durham that did a one-day training session that teaches how to do body piercing and provides advice and help on how to set up insurance and a persons own business. CC also sourced a room in a local tattoo parlour in her home town who will allow her to hire once she is qualified.
An application for funding towards the course and equipment was granted through the Smallwood Grant Funding.​​
CC has undertaken the course and has started her new career!
Updated August 2024